Monday, February 20, 2012

Too Much is Just Enough

I see him moving toward me
Intent on weeding out all the flaws
I am in pain, but trying to do my part
Hoping to keep up to his pace
I'm watching the way he works
So careful not to leave any trace
Of the things preventing new growth
I am doing my best, wanting to keep up
Yet caught up in watching the way
He so humbly does his part
Then does my part too
While I enjoy just being near him
Again he is right beside me
Close enough for me to feel his warmth
And sigh over the way he smells
Trying to think of what to say
To get his attention
Only to lose my chance
Because he has looked outside himself
Giving his attention to the one
God blessed with a child-like innocence
I long to be like that
Seeing the world with no filters
Looking outside myself
He gives me his number
I feel a leap of hope
One phone call leads to more
He shares his deepest thoughts and feelings
While I marvel at his strength
He tells me he has been damaged
While I only see the perfection he is
He is like a memory I didn't even know I had
Until he opened a door to his past
Giving me a feeling of deja vu
Like I knew him and loved him before
Leaving me searching my memory for more
He is so much; more than enough
Making sparks just by being himself
Everytime I hear his voice or see his smile
It washes over and through me like a wave or current
Making me feel so alive
While bringing peace to my turbulent soul
He is more than I could imagine
When I dreamed of the man I desired
I am striving to better myself
Wanting so much to be worthy of him
His light shines forth like a beacon
I feel lucky to bask in it's glow
-19 Feb 2012-

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Looking for Light & Knowledge

That feeling is there again
I look around, expecting to see the source
There must be something in the shadows
Waiting to sneak in when I am not looking
To tear apart my heart and leave me hurting
I can't see it, but I feel it all around me and inside me
The dread filling my stomach with a huge stone
The fear of the unknown swirling around in my head
The ache between my shoulder blades
Telling me I have been tense for too long

The silence is overwhelming
Too quiet
Too good to be true
Too peaceful to bring me peace
I am holding my breath
Waiting for the source of my dread to spring up
Like so many other times
I gave the key to my deepest part
Only to have it damaged
Leaving me to barricade myself against any feelings

Maybe this time it is just my imagination
Maybe the nightmares from my past are now only in the past
Maybe it is quiet because God has something to tell me
Maybe it is so true that it really is good
Maybe the peaceful feeling comes from the knowledge
That I am finally doing what I want
Being who I want
Showing my true self to the world
Loving life and sending love out to those around me
Expecting nothing and getting so much more than that

Can it really be that simple?
All I have to do is be still & let God's whispers be heard
The words of encouragement
Being drowned out by my endless questions
Why? When? How?
Always expecting the worst
When I already had the best right in front of me
And I was looking behind me
At something that was already gone
I just didn't realize it in time

I know I am ready to listen
I know whatever my future holds
Is determined by my ability to let go and let God
I may feel confused and lost
But God is beside me, and he knows where I am going
All I need to do is be like a child
Turning to him, reaching for his hand
Letting him lead me to wherever I need to be
Throwing away the candle I have been using
To be guided by the Everlasting Light

18 Feb 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

In Grief Shall We Find Joy

I had a dream once…
I was on a beach, and the sand was just warm enough to dispel the cold wind.
I was walking on the edge, an occasional wave covering the tops of my feet
I was watching a child, keeping him in sight at all times
I didn’t recognize the child, but I knew I was responsible for him.
I turned to watch a father building a castle with his daughter,
Feeling contented with the knowledge that he loved her.
When I turned to look for the little boy, he was gone.
I ran, frantically looking all around me, afraid he was gone forever.
Then just as I was ready to collapse on the sand in despair
I saw his head, barely visible above a vendor’s shack.
I ran to him, gathering him in my arms, so happy to have found him.
Suddenly I realized he was made of sand, & was slipping through my fingers.
I tried desperately to squeeze my fingers together
Hoping to hold on to even a few grains of him, but knowing he was lost.
I stood there and cried, feeling so guilty that I had not done my job.
As my vision became blurred by my tears, I saw a man
Walking along, picking up a handful of sand here and there
As if there were only certain shades and textures he was seeking.
I followed him, trying to figure out what he was doing
Asking what he was planning to create.
He answered me with a smile, holding out a handful of sand
I saw what he held, and dropped to my knees in gratitude
For in his hand was the one who was lost, shaped and molded with my tears.